To print or email payslips, go to the Pays tab in the program. Once a pay is saved with a "COMPLETED" status, you can print payslips by following these steps:
- Click Payslips >> This Pay Run.
- Select either Print payslips or Print and email payslips at the bottom of the dialog box.
- Click Next, choose the employees for whom you wish to print payslips, and click Next again.
- Select Preview/Print Payslip and use the printer icon on the top left to print the payslips.
- You can also save the payslips as a PDF by clicking the red floppy disc icon next to the printer icon.
To print payslips for multiple pay runs, the process is similar:
- Click Payslips >> Multiple Pay Runs.
- Enter the desired date range for the payslips and follow the same steps to preview and print.
To email payslips, first ensure your email settings in Lightning are configured by following the instructions here.
For each employee you want to receive payslips or payment summaries via email:
- Go to Employees >> Details >> Email Options.
- Enter their email address and tick the boxes for Email Payslips? and/or Email Payment Summaries?.
Once this setup is complete, you can email payslips from the Pays tab using the same process as above by selecting Email payslips or Print and email payslips.