Current Support Issues

Below are our currently known bugs or support issues and their advised workarounds/solutions.

Norton False Positive Error On Latest Version

Resolving Norton False Positives for Lightning Payroll

We understand that some users of Lightning Payroll may encounter an issue where Norton Antivirus incorrectly identifies our app as a security threat and removes it. This is known as a false positive, which happens when antivirus software mistakenly flags safe software as malicious.

Why does this happen?

Lightning Payroll is published with Extended Validation (EV) Code Signing Certificates, a high standard for verifying software authenticity. Unfortunately, despite these measures, false positives can still occur due to the heuristic methods antivirus software uses to detect threats.

What have we done?

We have reported this issue to Norton, and they have whitelisted our app. However, it can take several days for the updated whitelist to propagate to all users. With each update of Lightning Payroll, Norton may get mistakenly triggered again. To prevent this issue from happening in the future, we recommend manually adding Lightning Payroll's working folders to Norton's exclusion list.

Steps to Add Exclusions in Norton

Follow the instructions on Norton’s official support page to exclude files and folders from scans: Exclude files and folders from Norton scans.

Folders to Exclude

  • %localappdata%/Lightning Payroll (C:/Users/[YourUsername]/Appdata/Local/Lightning Payroll)
  • %localappdata%/Intellitron Pty Ltd (C:/Users/[YourUsername]/Appdata/Local/Intellitron Pty Ltd)
  • %appdata%/Lightning Payroll (C:/Users/[YourUsername]/Appdata/Roaming/Lightning Payroll)
  • %appdata%/ATOMAS (C:/Users/[YourUsername]/Appdata/Roaming/ATOMAS)

Need Help?

If you need further assistance, please don't hesitate to contact our support team. We apologise for the inconvenience and appreciate your understanding while we work to ensure a seamless experience.

- 29/01/2025

Support team unavailable. We'll be Right back.

Due to a staff event the Lightning Payroll team will be unavailable between 11:30am and 2pm (QLD time) this Tuesday 15/10/2024. We apologise for any inconvenience.

- 15/10/2024

Support Line Closed Wednesday August 14th

Our support team will be unavailable this coming Wednesday due to the Brisbane Ekka public holiday. We apologise for any inconvenience.

For support please refer to our comprehensive FAQs page or send us an email at

- 13/08/2024

Why Are Payslips Not Emailing Suddenly?

If you are suddenly getting errors when sending payslips from Lightning Payroll and you use Bigpond, it is due to Telstra server updates they have made.

Please update your outgoing mail settings in Lightning Payroll under Company >> Email.

For more information, please read the following:

If you are using Outlook, Hotmail, or emails and encountering similar issues, many of our users have had success with creating an App Password, which can be used in place of your regular password inside Company >> Email. For Outlook, they have a guide on setting this up in the following link:

Outlook: How to get and use app passwords.

- 31/07/2024

Crowdstrike/Microsoft IT Outage Impact

Our servers have not been impacted by the global Crowdstrike issues affecting Windows systems. All Lightning Payroll servers remain protected and fully functional.

- 20/07/2024