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What Can Lightning Payroll Do?


Take a look at all of the amazing features that Lightning Payroll has to offer. We have a range of tools to help you manage your workforce, pay your employees and keep your business running smoothly.

Single Touch Payroll

  • Lodge New/Pay events, Update events and even Adjust events for complete control over STP.
  • Send your STP data directly to the ATO from within Lightning Payroll.
  • Receive messages from the ATO directly to your own personal STP mailbox.
  • Connect to the ATO Pay Event Recon service to view STP submission history from an ATO perspective.

Free Tech Support

  • Free phone and email support.
  • Updates and upgrades included.
  • Youtube tutorials and vast online support documentation.
  • Many built-in tools, repair utilities and calculators.

Workforce Management

  • Create tailored shifts, and assign specific pay rates and allowances.
  • Our employee portal lets staff update their personal details, access payslips, create leave requests and much more.
  • Create auto-generating rosters.
  • Record precise hours worked using the free Android Timeclock App.

Custom Reporting

  • Create custom pay reports.
  • Create custom employee reports.
  • Group custom reports by department for advanced analysis.
  • Export all reports to easy to share spreadsheets.

Backup Your Data

  • Don't lose all your hard work - automatically backs up files.
  • Auto backups can be scheduled to save to folders on shutdown.
  • Lightning Payroll can backup online using our secure cloud server.
  • Online backups can be shared across multiple computers.

Simple Interface With Flexible Options

  • Multiple allowances per employee.
  • Multiple deductions per employee.
  • Add multiple user-defined pay rates.
  • Company wide pay rates and allowances available.
  • Split each employee's pay into multiple bank accounts.

Automatic Calculations

  • Sick, holiday & long service leave calculators, and other leave tools.
  • STSL (HELP/SFSS) payments.
  • Termination payouts.
  • Salary sacrificing.

Easy To Export

  • Export ABA file for bulk banking.
  • Create custom employee/pay reports.
  • Export reports to CSV/spreadsheet.

Manage Your Super

  • Easy entry and sending of your super fund deposits.
  • Create numerous superannuation reports and message funds directly.
  • Connect to the ATO Super Stapling Service to import employee super fund information.