We provide a Lightning Payroll web application that enables you to access and modify your payroll data using any compatible web browser. To use the web application, simply follow this link.
Remember to log in using the same details you use on our main website, which are different from your subscription ID or application passwords. If you are having trouble logging into the website, please see the following FAQ: Why Can't I Login to this Website?.
Initial Setup
After logging in, the web app will detect that you have no data and will ask if you would like to create a new company. You can select out of 3 options:
- "Yes, create a new company."
- "No, I have existing data and would like to restore a local backup file."
- "No, I have an existing online backup I'd like to restore."
Creating a New Company
If you don't have any data to restore from, click on "Yes, create a new company." to start setting up your company and new payroll database.
Restoring from a Local Backup
If you have a local backup that you would like to restore from, click on "No, I have existing data and would like to restore a local backup file.". To create a local backup file from inside the Lightning Payroll desktop application, go into Tools > Create Backup, select where you would like to save it with the blue folder icon, and click "Save Backup". This backup can now be restored using the local backup option.
Restoring from an Online Backup
If you use our Online Backups feature on the desktop application, and you would like to restore a backup from there, click "No, I have an existing online backup I'd like to restore.". You will need to log in with your Online Backup details before restoring a backup. For more information on how to use Online Backups, please refer to the following FAQ: How Can I Set Up Online Backups?
You don't need to restore your licence, like on the desktop application, and your account will be recognised automatically.
Please note that if you have Web Sync set up, this backup will be automatically available once you log in. For more information on setting up Web Sync, please refer to the following FAQ: How do I Set Up and Use Web Sync Across My Devices?
Single Touch Payroll (STP) Setup
Once your backup is restored, you'll be able to use your data within the web application. To set up Single Touch Payroll, you must register your SSID with the ATO. For guidance on how to do this, please check our FAQ: How Can I Send STP Using The Lightning Payroll Web Version?. Once your SSID is registered, you will be able to send your single touch from the web app.
Desktop vs Web Application
For information on the differences between the Lightning Payroll desktop and web applications, we have a detailed FAQ here: What Are The Main Differences Between The Lightning Payroll Desktop and Web Applications?.