Super funds' individual banking details are brought forth through the SuperStream network using each fund's respective USI. Super funds will no longer give you the bank account details themselves, but rather, will provide you with the USI for the specific type of super fund your employee is registered to within their fund umbrella. Please note that Self-Managed Super Funds are entered differently and do not have a USI.
To bring these banking details forth, you will need to go to Settings >> Super Fund Providers in the program, then click on Create Super Fund (Online Search) and enter the USI you have been provided for the respective fund, and click Next. On the next page, the super fund and all its details should show up with a box to the left of it which will need to be ticked, and you can then click Finish.
You will now have the super fund, as well as all of the fund's banking details added to your list of available super funds which can then be attached individually to your staff, along with their member number, via Employees >> Super >> Superannuation Fund in the program.