SuperStream Contributions
If you have had to manually fail a refunded SuperStream message, or had to hop out of the Create Deposits process for some reason you will need to pick up where you left off and repackage, then send your SuperStream contributions. To do this, go into the Super Fund Deposits screen, and click on the SuperStream Contribution button.
Selecting and Sending Deposits
In the 'Show deposits by date' boxes, set the date range to include today's date (since you just updated the deposit date to today's date in the last step).
Make sure to tick Include Paid Deposits.
Select all the deposits that you will be resending the messages and funds for. Click Next on the bottom-right, and you will then be shown a screen confirming the amounts to be sent to each Super Fund, as well as a grand total for the deposits.
Click Next again, and on the SuperStream Summary page, click Send Messages and wait until they have successfully sent through.
Creating a Payment File
Once the messages have finished sending, click Direct Entry to create and save a payment file to upload to your online banking portal later, in order to resend the funds to the relevant super fund providers. (If you do not use Direct Entry files for payment, you can instead save or print a copy of the Preview of Direct Entry file, which will note all the banking details, as well as the reference number you will need to use if manually transferring the super payments through your online banking.) Finally, click Finish.
You have now successfully resent the SuperStream messages, as well as created a new Direct Entry file (or preview of file if you pay manually) ready to upload to your online banking portal to transfer the money to the super funds.