For a detailed termination, please see our FAQ here.
To terminate an employee, go to Pays >> Edit Pay and click the Terminate Employee button (above the Save + Next button) on the bottom-right of the screen when editing the employee’s final pay. This will bring up the employee termination assistant.
Here, you will be prompted to enter the termination date, the reason for termination, and then on the next page, you will be able to select which leave types need to be paid out. If no leave is to be paid out, you will be able to deselect them all.
If you need to enter in wages in lieu of notice, you will be able to do this on the following screen. Otherwise, you can hit Next to continue, and you will be brought to a final termination summary screen. If you’re happy with the termination, you can then click Finish, then Save + Close on the pay.
Please note that terminating an employee will still retain all the employee's details and pay data in the program for record-keeping purposes, but will free up a spot for you on your license to add new employees if need be.