The compulsory super rate is set to increase at least until the 2027-2028 financial year. Lightning Payroll will automatically increase employee's super rates when completing their first or second July processed pay, if applicable. It will not change the super rate of anyone already paid above that financial year's compulsory super rate.
Please check your employees super rates after completing the first pay of the financial year as in some cases the automated super rate check will be missed if you are completing a pay in an abnormal fashion, such as doing a test July pay in June while keeping the June processed dates, then correcting them after the fact. Newer versions of Lightning Payroll should not be confused by an action like this, but older versions have been.
Can I control the super rate increase manually?
Yes. You can disable the automatic super rate checking under Employees >> Super >> Superannuation Contributions.
How can I fix super if the increase was not automatic?
As mentioned above, there are some circumstances where the software will be confused by irregular usage, causing the super increase to not be triggered. If you end up with July pays and no increase in super, we recommend you do the following:
- Ensure your program version number starts with the year of the new financial year. I.e. 2022-2023 versions should look like 2023.X .
- Fix the processed dates of any pays if they are wrong. You can edit the processed date for an entire pay run at the bottom of the main Pays screen, using the Set Processed/Paid Date For Pay Run button. Just enter the new processed date, and select the pays you wish to change the date for and click OK.
- Update the super rates manually under Tools >> Update Superannuation Guarantee Rates.
- Recalculate super for the once-June-now-July processed pays under Tools >> Recalculate Super On Pays.