You might add a new employee or reinstate an old employee one day and find that they are not appearing in the current pay run. This might happen due to a few different things:
- Start date: Make sure their employment start date is not later than the current pay period. Start dates can be found under Employees >> Details >> Employment Dates.
- Pay schedule: If you pay fortnightly but the new employee was setup as weekly they will not appear on the fortnightly pay run. You will need to correct their pay schedule under Employees >> Pay Settings.
- Employee marked as inactive: If an employee is marked inactive they will not appear with a pending pay like normal. To fix this go into Employees >> Pay Settings and tick the box marked Active Pay Recipient?
- Completed pay run: If the current pay run's pays have all already been saved/completed then the pay run is considered complete and and pending pays will no longer auto-generate like they normally would. In this case you can force a late pay intop the pay run by clicking Create Pays at the top of the pay run in question.