If an employee needs to receive WorkCover payments, you can set this up as a custom pay rate under Employees >> Pay Settings >> Special User Defined Pay Rates.
Click on the green plus button to add a new custom pay rate. For the description, enter a name for the pay rate (e.g. WorkCover).
Then, click the Rate Type dropdown and select Special. You can then specify a dollar amount for the pay rate below. Enter the pay rate specified for the employee's WorkCover. This will typically be a daily or weekly. You can enter the figure and then change the Units option from Hours to Days or Weeks as you prefer.
If you need to prevent super from being calculated on on this pay rate, tick the Overtime? box. Finally, click Save.
If you need to turn off leave accruals during this time, you can disable leave under Employees >> Leave >> Leave Settings.
You will now be able to select this pay rate when processing pays for the employee. If you have disabled leave, set a reminder (under Settings) to enable it again once the employee returns to work.