Please note that the super amount threshold was discontinued as of 01/07/2022 and is therefore not a consideration for pays processed from this date and beyond.
Before you alter your super calculations, be aware that the automatic 11.00% superannuation guarantee levy is calculated monthly, not on just one pay period - even if you pay weekly or fortnightly. To correctly double check super calculations you will need to add up all ordinary earnings and all super levy calculations for an entire month before comparing the figures. Running the Super Levy report for the whole month with Show Totals Only unticked is a great way to see what is going on.
Checking the super calculations in only one pay period isn't the right way to go. The reason this occurs is the $450 super threshold (ending 30/06/2022).
Here’s an example of how the amount threshold worked on pays prior to 30/06/2022:
If David regularly earns $200 per week, he will not be owed super until the third week of the month.
Week 1 Earnings = $200 (has not reached beyond $450 threshold, thus no super owed)
Week 2 Earnings = $200
Month-to-date = $400 (still has not reached beyond $450 threshold, thus no super owed)
Week 3 Earnings = $200
Month-to-date = $600
Having now crossed the $450 threshold for the calendar month, the 11.00% guarantee is now due to be paid on the $600 earned so far in the month.
Each week to follow in this case would calculate the 11.00% on that particular pay’s ordinary time amount, as the threshold has now been crossed, and will then reset at the start of every calendar month.
Please note that if age threshold setting has also been ticked for a staff member and they're under 18, they must work more than 30 hours per week in order to earn super for a period. Pays prior to 30/06/2022 for employees with age threshold settings ticked also had to have met amount threshold standards, but this is no longer a requirement on pays from 01/07/2022.
Please see the ATO's page here for further information on the matter.