Installing Lightning Payroll on a replacement or additional computer is a four step process:
1) Downloading the program:
Download and install the program using the appropriate link below:
Download for Windows (Windows 8.1 and above)
Download for Mac OSX (Version 10.14 and above)
2) Installing the licence:
If you are given a free trial press Enter Paid Subscription Details to enter your details into our Licence Assistant (also found under Tools at the top of the screen) using your email address and six digit subscription ID number which can be found under Tools >> License Details in Lightning Payroll on the original computer.
3) Restoring your payroll data:
Firstly, create a backup of your current payroll data from Lightning Payroll on the existing computer (.lpb file) through Tools >> Create backup (or send one online through Tools >> Online Backups if you use that feature).
Then, in Lightning Payroll on the new computer, restore the backup (.lpb file) through Tools >> Restore backup (or restore the most recent backup sent online under Tools >> Online Backups if you use that feature).
4) Setting up Single Touch Payroll (STP):
To ensure you can continue sending STP submissions to the ATO on your new computer, you can export the machine credential from your existing computer. Please see our FAQ here for instructions.
Once these four steps are complete, you'll be ready to go.
One final note, while each LP subscription can be used on two computers at one time, this does not mean the data is automatically shared. Lightning Payroll is a desktop app and stores its data locally (on your PC hard drive).
If you run your program between two systems please ensure you keep both copies of the payroll data up-to-date by regularly creating and restoring backups. Our Online Backups feature is the best way to do this.