To save time, you can import a certain amount of employee data into Lightning Payroll using a CSV spreadsheet. This is done under Employees >> Actions >> Import Employees From CSV.
Please see our example spreadsheet here or see below for what fields can be imported and their expected format. Fields are optional, but we recommend filling out as much as possible. All fields and additional information such as super info, shifts, allowances, etc are editable in the main employee profile after import is completed.
Field Name | Description | Format | Example |
first_name | Employee's first name | Text | John |
last_name | Employee's last name | Text | Smith |
number | Unique employee number or ID (for your internal use only) | Number | 1023 |
address1 | Primary street address of the employee | Text | 123 Elm St |
address2 | Additional address information | Text | Apt 4 |
city | City where the employee resides | Text | Sydney |
state | State where the employee resides | Text | NSW |
postcode | Postal code for the employee's address | Number | 2000 |
country | Country of residence | Text | AU |
email_address | Employee's email address | Email format | |
phone_home | Employee's phone number | Text or Number | 0298765432 |
has_spouse | Indicates if the employee has a spouse | Boolean (True/False) | True |
date_of_birth | Employee's birth date | YYYY-MM-DD | 1985-07-15 |
num_dependent_children | Number of dependent children | Number | 2 |
tax_file_number | Employee's tax file number | Text or Number | 123456789 |
is_foreign_resident | Indicates if the employee is a foreign resident | Boolean (True/False) | False |
is_closely_held | Indicates if the employee is closely held within the company | Boolean (True/False) | False |
has_claimed_tax_free_threshold | Indicates if the tax-free threshold is claimed | Boolean (True/False) | True |
has_help_liability | Indicates if the employee has a higher education loan | Boolean (True/False) | True |
has_sfss_liability | Indicates if the employee has a student financial supplement scheme liability | Boolean (True/False) | False |
kin_name | Name of next of kin | Text | Jane Doe |
kin_relationship | Relationship of next of kin to the employee | Text | Sister |
kin_address1 | Next of kin's primary address | Text | 456 Oak St |
kin_address2 | Additional address information for next of kin | Text | Level 4 |
kin_city | City where the next of kin resides | Text | Brisbane |
kin_state | State where the next of kin resides | Text | QLD |
kin_postcode | Postal code for the next of kin's address | Number | 4000 |
kin_phone_home | Home phone number of next of kin | Text or Number | 0423456789 |
leave_loading | Indicates if the employee get 17.5% annual leave loading? | Boolean (True/False) | True |
pay_period | Frequency of payroll (weekly, fortnightly or monthly) | Text | weekly |
start_date | Date when employment started | YYYY-MM-DD | 2020-01-10 |
pay_rate_per_hour | Hourly pay rate | Number | 25.00 |
position | Job title or position | Text | Manager |
employment_status | Employment type | Text | Full time |
department | Department where the employee works | Text | Human Resources |
rdo_days | Rostered days off accumulated (in days) | Number | 12 |
annual_leave_hours | Total hours of annual leave accrued | Number | 120 |
personal_leave_hours | Total hours of personal or sick leave accrued | Number | 80 |
lsl_leave_hours | Long service leave hours accrued | Number | 30 |
bank_bsb | Bank/state/branch number for payroll deposit | Text or Number | 987-654 |
bank_account_number | Employee's bank account number | Number | 87654321 |
bank_account_name | Name on the bank account | Text | John Smith |