Below are the most common Single Touch sending errors you might receive:
Failed to collect Authentication Token:
If you are receiving this error, you will need to check the following:
- (For desktop users) Check the credential dropdown, for any other credentials for the same ABN.
- Make sure your computer's time, date and timezone are exactly correct, to the minute.
- Check that you are connected to the internet. Security software may be preventing Lightning Payroll from accessing your computer's internet connection. To test LP's internet connection on the desktop version of the program, go into Tools >> Licence Assistant and you should see an Online Licence Install window. If you do, LP is connected and you may close the Licence Assistant. If instead you see a Local Licence Install window then you will need to configure, update and potentially disable your security software and try again as it is preventing LP from connecting to the internet.
- Check that there are no errors displayed on the ATO machine credential server page.
- (For desktop users) Ensure your Machine Credential is not revoked or expired (when you select it from the Credential drop down under 'Submit Single Touch', it should say VALID on the right hand side, and have a decent expiry date). Even if it does say valid it may still be revoked on the ATO's servers. If your credential has expired, you will need to renew it. If it has been revoked you will need to make a new credential.
- If you are are sending with proxy enabled under Settings >> Proxy try sending STP without proxy being enabled. Many users no longer need proxy enabled if it is preventing STP from sending.
- (For desktop users) If your error log says 'LookupError: unknown encoding: idna' your program is not installed correctly. Please reboot your pc and reinstall using the free trial links at our homepage.
- (For desktop users) If your error log says '[Errno 11002] getaddrinfo failed', you will need to go to Settings >> Time/Display Settings and tick Override DNS? (Restart application for changes to take effect). After this, restart Lightning Payroll before re-attempting STP submission.
Once you have checked all the above, please try resubmitting. If you still receive the same error, please login to the ATO Relationship Authorisation Manager (RAM) and get a new machine credential.
Lightning Payroll freezes after clicking 'Submit to the ATO' (Windows desktop users):
If this issue is occuring, please do the following:
- Close Lightning Payroll.
- Right click on the Lightning Payroll desktop shortcut and select Properties.
- Click on the Compatibility tab.
- Make sure run in compatibility mode is unticked.
- Click Apply and then OK.
- Reopen Lightning Payroll and try submitting again.
DNS Caching
Sometimes DNS needs refreshing to get STP to send correctly. Please try this if your STP is failing to send from the desktop version:
- Open the Command Prompt as an administrator. You can do this by searching for "Command Prompt" in the Windows Start menu, right-clicking on it, and selecting "Run as administrator."
In the Command Prompt window, type the following command and press Enter:
ipconfig /flushdns
Reboot your computer.
Resend Single Touch Payroll.